Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Best Day To Quit Smoking - When Is It?

So I was at school the other day, and a couple of friends were conversing about smoking addiction and how to quit smoking. We were debating what the best day to quit smoking is in general. After much thought we came to a mutual conclusion.

When you're addicted to smoking and you want to quit smoking you look for miraculous ways to take away your addiction. People will tell you that you should quit smoking as soon as possible, and hey, if they are your friends then obviously they will tell you that, they are only looking out for you.

But what your friends don't realize is that when you're addicted to smoking you can't just flat out quit that same day. Your body has adapted to the cigarettes you've been feeding it and really likes it. In order to quit you have to pick a time when you will and stay smoke free for a give amount of time.

The secret to quitting smoking is that when you decide, "hey I don't like smoking but the cravings....the cravings.." you have taken that first step. When you are at this point, consider trying this technique to quit your smoking habits. Smoke until you no longer have cravings for that day. Then the next day is the best day to quit smoking, that's when you strike, take the opportunity and refrain from smoking another cigarette for as long as possible.

The idea is that the longer you stay without smoking a cigarette, the better you will succeed at quitting smoking. In general, once you have been smoke-free for 2-3 months you have done it, you've quit smoking. Just be persistent, smoke up for one day, then the next day decide to follow through and take action; no more smoking!

To find out more about how I quit smoking be sure to click here, Easily Quit Smoking for insightful and creative tips to quit smoking today!


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